Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wow and Questions Answered.

Wow! Thanks everyone for all the complements on the book. I love that you all love it and I hope enjoy making your own book. I am cutting out letters for kits like crazy. When you are done with your book, snap some pictures of your completed project and add it to the Flickr Group. I am still working on new items for the shop and of course some tutorials.

I've received several emails asking me a few questions.

When will Quiet Books return to the shop? I haven't made any Quiet Books for the shop since my baby was born in October. Sadly, I am not planning on making them a regular in stock item in the shop. However, if you want me to make one for you, just email or convo me with the date that you need it. I will let you know if I am able to make one for you. I would ideally like to have 10 business days to work on it, but still check with me either way. :)

Ric Rac and where did I get it all? All my ric rac came from JoAnn Fabrics. I either bought it in the package or off the spools in the trim section. Most of my pieces were little pieces leftover from other projects. I have just about every color because I almost have an unhealthy obsession with ric rac. Just look at my other projects...you will see.

Also, welcome to all the new visitors and subscribers! I hope I can keep you all coming back. :)

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. I'm one of your new subscribers and I also ordered a set of the letters and plan to make the book soon! I bet you did get a lot of traffic yesterday! Congrats on creating such an adorable book!!


I love comments and questions!

If you have a question, email me so I have your contact information. My email link is on my left side bar.

Thanks for reading!