Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Projects

 Hi there! I am still here! :) Is it just me or did Christmas totally sneak up on you this year? I mean you'd think I'd be on top of it, Christmas happens every year at the same time, but this year...it truly got here fast. I have 5 days left and lots of things still to do...so this will be really quick.

Here are two projects that I've accomplished! Yay! I've accomplished a few more but I have to wait till after Christmas to share...

Believe Banner -  It was quite the project but I love it! The base is chipboard which makes it very sturdy and will last for years. No, I did not come up with this idea on my own, I made it at my mom's ward Super Saturday.

Merry Christmas blocks - I actually made these last year! I made the images in Photoshop with various digital papers and printed the images out at Costco. Then I  cut 3.5" square blocks, painted the blocks black, distressed, and modge podged the pictures the blocks. Pretty easy! If anyone is interested,  I have a few different styles. (We made them while family was in town last Christmas so I created different styles for people to choose from.) I'd be happy to share the files with you. (Probably not till after Christmas though...unless you promised to come over and help me sew my few last projects!)

Well. I have lots to do but just wanted to drop in and share these with you!

I probably won't post again till after the New Year so I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Life is getting back to normal after our new addition so I hope to be posting somewhat regularly after the New Year. Until then take care and thanks for hanging in there with me and still reading this silly little blog!




  1. where did you put that cute wall? is it vinyl or stenciled?

  2. Cute projects! I love the wall behind the Merry Christmas blocks. Is that wall paper?


I love comments and questions!

If you have a question, email me so I have your contact information. My email link is on my left side bar.

Thanks for reading!