Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy New Year....17 days later :)

Wow. Usually January slugs by after the holidays.  That is not the case this year. It has flown by just as fast as the holiday season. I know this will sound way belated and 'that was so a month ago', but I hope your Christmas and New Years was truly wonderful and that you were able to spend it with those you love.

With that, I haven't shared some of the Christmas presents I made this year. Granted I forgot to take a couple pictures but I can at least link to the tutorial/inspiration:

1. Grocery Sack Holders - Made a couple of these and the recipients loved them! If you are ever looking for a great gift these things are snap to make and you often can use fabric from your stash or larger scraps.

2. Name Ornaments - One of the gifts I made for my mom was a set of ornaments with the grandkid's names on them. (I cut out the names with vinyl using my Cricut.) She loved them and I will simply make her a new ornament when a new grandbaby arrives.

3. Aprons -  I made an apron for one of our little cousins and I heard that she absolutely loved it. Yay! I used the 'Mommy and Mia' pattern from Sew Much Ado.

I made another apron for my little miss. She loves to cook/bake with me so I decided she needed an apron since cooking with a two year old is never neat and tidy. My original plan was to make another Mommy and Mia apron, but then I found this apron tutorial from Sew Liberated. It is great because the the apron can easily be taken on and off by a young child.  I used the flower pot template from the pattern to make a pocket but added my own flowers. (Please excuse the photos, my model was not cooperating.)

4. Stocking - This was not a gift but a need for our baby's first Christmas. When I started this project on the afternoon of December 23rd I had no creative juices left. So I did my first 'knockoff' project! I used the Pottery Barn Kid's Woodland Angel Stocking as my inspiration:

My idea was to do a sugar plum fairy because my older daughter's stocking is an angel. So with a couple of changes I made mine look more Sugar Plum Fairy-ish and less angel-ish. Success? I have all the template pieces I drew and am thinking about posting a tutorial this year as it gets closer to Christmas.

So there you go, my handmade Christmas recap! Currently, I am in the thick of some big projects: another quilt, floor length drapes for my family room, and lots of pillows for my couches. (In addition to coming up with some new ideas for the shop and blog!) Hope you all are doing great!!!

Thanks for reading,



  1. Cute aprons and stocking! I have the Mommy and Mia pattern but haven't made it yet. It is on my list! This week I have been working on pillows for my couch too!! Can't wait to see more of your projects!

  2. Great job on the aprons, I especially love the purple fabric, do you know what line it's from? It's adorable!

  3. You are so much fun!! I love it all. I just love seeing the things you make.


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