Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day. Not because of the flowers or cards, but because of the pink, red, and hearts...

Here are some photos from our day:

{Valentine decor} ...not much...I was slow on the decor this year. (OCD note: The perfectionist in me is screaming inside because of the extra space between all and you. The whole phrase wouldn't fit on one board so I made it work with two. I centered 'is all' on the first board not taking into account the extra space it would create.) Not a big deal...but just sayin'. ;)

 {Valentine Sugar Cookies} The frosting was 'hot' pink. And I mean hot pink....like 80's hot pink. I went a little overboard with the coloring gel...forgot how concentrated that stuff is.

{Valentine making supplies} My sweet mom gave our girls a Valentine Kit as their Valentine treat this year. It was a bag stuffed to the brim with dollies, fun paper, stickers, hearts, sequences, jewels, and all things that Grandmas seem to have in spades.  My favorite was the little book full of Valentine ideas. We will be doing some next year. We spent the morning eating pink M&Ms and making Valentines. Fun was had by all.

{The end result} Some one-of-a-kind Valentines and yummy treats to share with neighborhood friends!

Hope your 'heart' day has been a good one!

ps - Happy Birthday AZ, you are 100 today! Thanks for being a great place to live. (And coming from a girl from the East coast...that's saying a lot.) If you could ease off the heat this year just a tad we'd all love it. Last summer was a killer...

Thanks for Reading,


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