Monday, May 21, 2012

little man quilt v.2

Another quilt! This quilt was also made for another sister-in-law who is having a baby. I used the same pattern as the last quilt I shared, Little Man by Thimble Blossoms. This time I used fabrics from Babysaurus by Blend fabrics. (Sorry for the picture quality, my lighting isn't the best in the afternoon.)

 For the quilting, I did an all over meandering pattern with some variations on the borders. The only new thing I attempted was machine sewing the binding. I doubt if I will ever do machine binding again. Most people would be absolutely fine with it, but when you are use to the look of hand-sewn on binding; it's hard to compare. The quilt looked absolutely great, it is just my personal preference.

One more quilt for another cute baby boy! 

Happy Monday!


1 comment:

  1. I am in LOVE with this quilt and your other Little Man quilt. I really need to get myself the Simplify book. I bought it for my Mom for her birthday last year...but I really want to get it for myself :) I am loving all your fun projects.


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