Thursday, April 18, 2013

I Guess You Can Call Me a Quilter

Not that I am denial or anything. :) However, all my posts lately have been about quilts and I always seem to have a quilt in the works so I think I can officially call myself a quilter. When I made my first real quilt back in 2005ish, I didn't think quilting was for me. I am so glad I gave it another try. 

The main evidence that I am a quilter can be in this picture:

Yep, that would be two quilts basted and waiting to be quilted, with a third finished quilt top on top of the stack. Oh and a fourth quilt top that is currently hanging up in my sewing room.  I can't baste the two tops because I have to free up my basting pins from the other two quilts. You'd think that would encourage me to quilt those babies. Nope. Instead of doing that, the other evening when all was quiet, I played around with some fabrics and made these two blocks:

I seriously can't get in the habit of moving on to a new project when I have FOUR waiting to be finished. I will be better. Promise.

 In my last post I shared a finished quilt top. Well here is the finished "family room" quilt as I've been calling it. The pattern is Happy-Go-Lucky from Camille Roskelley's quilting book Simplify. The fabrics are a combo from several different lines. (Mostly Bonnie & Camille from Moda.) If you've read my blog for any amount of time you know I use their fabrics and patterns kinda often. Like all the time often.  I should probably branch out a little more but they just make the best fabrics and patterns!

I will admit I was a little nervous mixing fabrics from different lines. In the end though, I absolutely loved it!  All the fabrics are Bonnie and Camille with the exception of a few generic yellow ones from Joann's. I love that gray and yellow pinwheel print.

This was the first time I used solid binding in a quilt, love it! It is Moda's Bella Solid in aqua. Such a good color. This is the largest quilt I've ever quilted, 63"x75", and this post helped me plan out my quilting so it didn't turn into a hot mess.


Now just to prove I do sew other things besides quilts, here are two skirts I made for my 3 1/2 year old daughter's Easter basket. Loved making the one with the apron. Such a fun little project.

I love sewing all sorts of projects, but I can honestly say that my love is quilting.

I love it.


  1. Your quilt is so pretty! I love Bonnie & Camille, too, and am plotting out a quilt to make with Happy Go Lucky. I just finished my second quilt and am finally calling myself a quilter. I think you're official!

  2. CUTE!!! I love the colors in your Family Room quilt! And I adore the other two that are waiting to be done!


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