Monday, July 1, 2013

Destash Sale

On Saturday when my car thermometer read 121 degrees, no joke, I decided it was time to go home and spend some quality time with my fabric.  I did just that and decided it was time to DESTASH! {Yes, I live in Arizona and yes on days like Saturday I do some serious reflecting on why we live here. :) }

So, starting today I am listing fabrics from my stash that I am willing to pass on to a happy home. I will try and get everything by tomorrow. (It is suppose to only be 115 today but I am staying home, staying cool, playing with my kiddos, and hanging out in my sewing room.) Check out my shop for the listings, email or send me a convo if you have any questions.

Happy summer to you all! I sincerely hope it is cooler wherever you are. 

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