Saturday, November 15, 2008

Itty Bitty Results

So. First - it is Saturday AM so I am late in posting the results...sorry.

Second. I thought more peoples from AA read this...I guess not! ;) So since there were only two entries and I see both of you on a regular basis AND I adore both Megan and are both getting one!!! Wahooo!!!! Lucky you huh?!?!

I am almost done with the directions and will have the kits to you hopefully by Wednesday.

Oh. And I got a big box in the mail this week. :) It was like Christmas. (A few of these fabrics are also from a previous box, but together they looked oh so pretty.) I heart my fabric co-op.

There is some Michael Miller, Timeless Treasures, and of course my favorite lots of Moda. Sigh.


  1. What??? Results of what....apparently I missed something.

  2. YAY! Thanks LeAnne! I'm so excited!

  3. huh, what's a fabric co-op. i've only heard of co-ops in regards to real estate and property.

  4. I read your blog! I just didn't know that I would finish the project in time with Elle and my wonderful screaming Beck. Everything looks so great!

  5. Leash-

    I figured after I posted this that that may have been a situation. Just wasn't sure. :)


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