Originally Written: Wednesday, February 6, 2008
I'm such a can't-cook-in-a-dirty-kitchen kind of a person. The one thing in my kitchen that is not organized are my recipes. Previously, they were almost in every possible format. By every format I mean cookbooks, index file boxes, folders/binders, scraps of paper, stickies on the fridge, etc. This was driving me absolutely batty so I widdled my collection down to a folder, cookbooks, and my lovely index file box; complements of Melinda!
Due to my tiny kitchen, the only place for my recipe stash is above the fridge. Not the most convenient spot. This is even more frustrating when I need to dig out the same recipes week after week that I cannot seem to memorize.
I made this one same day I saw it and it is my lifesaver. And I might actually start to remember some of the most common recipies I use. How do you organize your recpies?
THIS IS AWESOME! I tend to organize my recipes on my computer. I then write out the basic ingredients on a post it and lose it. I have to look it up again every time. I am totally going to do this now though.