Friday, November 21, 2008

Welcome to Our First Pattern

The first quiet book pattern/kit is here! Well the testers are hard at work, thanks gals, but if all goes well they will be ready to ship by this coming Wednesday! You can check out the listing here.

This really is a great stocking stuffer and doesn't take too long to make. I made mine from design time to finish in about 5 hours. Minus the design time and "I think I am going to change that" moments, 3 hours tops. :) I hope to have more patterns/kits after the holidays, so keep on the look out. I am crossing my fingers that a Nativity Pattern will be ready soon. It is a pretty intense book to make a pattern for, so we will see. :)

If you are local and interested, let me shipping!
Get your votes in for the tutorial you would like to see next!!!!
Also, I am working on some last minute Christmas Gift items! Tote bags, crayon rolls, all those cute lil' things. Check back after Thanksgiving to see the new items. :)
Happy Friday!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I made one of these quiet books in, but a lot of work! I got an "A" :) Love the holiday ones♥


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