Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Merry Christmas

This time of year is truly my favorite time of year, as I am sure it is for many. I love the music, food, traditions, decorations, everything about this glorious season. But often we get so involved in Christmas preparations that the true reason of celebration can be lessened or neglected.

Last year there was a beautiful display at the Mesa Arizona LDS Temple Visitor's Center called "Reflections of Christ". I know many already know about the display and have seen the pictures. However, today I stumbled across the slideshow again and truly felt the spirit of Christmas and the love of my Savior. Although we celebrate the birth of Christ as this time of year, Christmas truly is the celebration of Christ; His birth, ministry, and everlasting atonement. I hope you all have a truly glorious Christmas with your famlies and friends.

So simply put, Merry Christmas. I hope we all remember the true reason for this season. I hope this beauitful slideshow helps spread the spirit of Christmas a little more.

I will be enjoying this season computer free until after the 1st of the year. Until then happy wishes and see you all later!

Merry Christmas,

LeAnne :)

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad the holidays are o-v-e-r. now we can get back to the daily grind!!!


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