Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sunkissed Aprons

Head over to MBS today to check out my latest tutorial! I made a pair of cute ruffled aprons out of Sweetwater's new line Sunkissed. I loved how they turned out the aprons are just adorable.

{Thanks to my beautiful nieces for modeling for me!}

My favorite apron is the yellow and gray, my new favorite color combo. :)

Happy Wednesday,



  1. Ohhh...I'm heading that way now! They look too cute!!! I NEED to make me a new one. Thanks for postingyour tutorial!!

  2. Just saw your aprons on Moda - so cute.

  3. Darling. I love them. I have been really into ruffled aprons lately. I love all the different fabrics.

  4. Miss LeAnne!! I've been looking for a ruffled full apron pattern/tutorial for weeks, and of all people YOU have it! It's a small world after all!


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