Friday, April 15, 2011

insert clever title here....because I can't think of one

I finally made a decision for my daughter's Easter Dress! Yay! I have one week and a day. To be fair though, I've had everything ready 1 1/2 weeks but it is still sitting unfinished in my sewing room. Lets just call it life.

The 'pattern', or kinda at least. Of course, me being me, couldn't find the 'right' pattern. A while back though, I hearted this dress on Etsy because I just loved it. It is very similar to other dresses I've made in the past, so I figure I will just go sans pattern. Wish me luck!


The fabric. Not my usual choice in style or colors but for some reason I was just drawn to it.  It was nice to pick something out of my fabric 'comfort zone'.  The pink will be for the main part of the dress and the yellow will be for the sleeves, sash, and strip at the bottom.

In non-sewing news, I started on a project I've been wanting to do for a long time. Last fall I saw this cute post over at the Crafting Chicks. (one of my favorite craft blogs) I loved the ABC poster and had been wanting to make/find something similar. I finally bought the Alphabet Soup set by Zoe Pearn over at the Sweet Shoppe. I've been having lots of fun in Photoshop getting the images placed just right. I am still working on spacing before I print it off as a 16x20. I think this project in total will cost around $15.00 for the printing, graphics, and frame. Not too shabby.  (FYI: There is a boy set available. In the Crafting Chicks post, she shows the boy set as an alphabet poster.) Sorry for all the links! I just wanted to make sure I gave proper credit.

 {Almost done....still working on the spacing. I will share a picture when it is all done.}

So there you go! A few project updates on this lovely Friday. I hope everyone has a great weekend. It is suppose to be 95 tomorrow here in the Valley of the Sun.  A couple more weeks and it will be swim time!

Thanks for reading,



  1. Cute dress and fabric! We must have similar taste! I actually just bought this dress pattern on etsy ( which is very similar and have been whipping them up for baby gifts and Easter dresses for the girls. Love it. Good luck with yours - I hope we get to see the fianl product.

  2. can you send of that warm dry weather up here? it is supposed to snow again on Sunday... it snowed yesterday... and they are talking major flooding (like in '83) if it doesn't let up soon. :( Cute stuff as always by the way...

  3. Any chance you are going to be offering the alphabet poster for sale? I ADORE it and seeing as I am decorating a nursery for a little girl right now, I think I have just the right place for it...

    amynash at gmail dot com.

    The dress is darling too and the fabrics are great.


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