Monday, July 18, 2011

Calling Fabric Lovers

....might be just about each and everyone of you who reads this blog....

So. Do I have anyone who LOVES the Henna Garden print by Sandi Henderson? I sure do.

Well, if you follow Sandi's blog, you've read that she is reprinting select colors and releasing them as a collection this fall. Wahoo. Here is the great part. She is allowing people to vote for their favorite colors and the results will be considered when she chooses which colors to reprint. You can vote for more than one color, and let me tell you I am having a hard time not wanting to pick ALL of the colors.  I will be voting for pumpkin, melon, red and pink, citrus yellow....okay maybe I will just have to vote for all. If you want to vote click here to vote.

Which ones will you vote for? to vote and to start saving pennies so I can get a good stash.

Happy Monday!


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