Monday, September 12, 2011

The Day Has Arrived...

...when lettering kits for the 'my Colors' Quiet Book are back in stock! Yay! Thank you for your patience as I know these took me MUCH longer than I originally anticipated. (The kits didn't take this long to to cut and assemble. My summer just was much busier than anticipated and this project just kept on getting pushed to the back burner. Sorry!) Thank you again and again for your patience.

I've updated the font for the kits and I hope you like the new choice.
Click here to be taken to the listing for the kits. If the quantity you need is not available or the kits are showing as 'sold out' I just haven't had a chance to relist more kits. I have lots. If you need more than 5 kits convo/email me and I will setup a listing for you.

I am making a sample quiet book with the new font and will post pictures when it is done. I would have loved to have the sample done today, but I knew many of you have been waiting patiently so I am listing without the sample pictures. If you want to see the old sample of the 'my Colors' quiet book click here. I also will list some FULL kits (fabric, felt, ric rac, ribbon, the works!) by the end of the week.

*Note on fabric selections: The fabrics used for the new kits are very similar to the fabrics used in the old sample. Of course, due to availability, some fabrics are different but I tried to use the same fabrics when I could.

I still have a pattern in the works and some Halloween goodies for you! Can you believe we are starting in on Halloween already? I can't. Happy Monday to everyone and I will see you SOON. Much sooner than my very less than frequent posting of the summer months.

Thanks for reading,

LeAnne :)

1 comment:

  1. So much fun! Go you on getting them put together. My summer got super busy too. It was so nice to spend extra time with my boys though. It was worth all the fun craziness!


I love comments and questions!

If you have a question, email me so I have your contact information. My email link is on my left side bar.

Thanks for reading!