Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi everyone! Just popping into wish all my American readers a happy and wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope you all are with those you love and have a chance to reflect on your many blessings. I am grateful for so many things but my most cherished blessing is my family. I love them all so very much.

Over the next few days I am looking forward to time with family while enjoying some wonderful food and having loads of fun.  (There is a yummy Pumpkin Cheesecake in the oven as I type.) I am sure we all are looking forward to all the deliciousness that will be served up over the next couple of days...the effects of the food though...not so much. :)

One more thing. Make sure to check back on Friday for an amazing sale in the shop. (I don't use amazing will be amazing.) However, it will only last 24 make sure you check back here for all the yummy details.

Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving LeAnne. Enjoy your time with your family! We working on our pies just as I type too :) (I am waiting for the pie crust to set in the fridge...)


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