Tuesday, April 24, 2012

project life

Major confession. I don't have a system at all for my family's memory keeping. (Don't worry I have loads of pictures and other memorabilia, it is all just stuck on my computer or in files.) This is something I think about too often and it is getting to the point of stress. I've been eying Project Life and reading Becky's blog for quite a few months and have decided to use Project Life. I love that it is simple enough that I won't be starting a huge new hobby.

cultivate a good life by Becky Higgins 

After thinking how I would use Project Life, I've come to these decisions: I won't be doing a 365 style project. (That really would stress me out!) Rather each child will have their own book and I will also compile a family book. (With highlight from the month, major events, etc.) Each child will then have a book to take with them when they 'leave' home but my husband and I will always have the family books. (I am a total think-with-the-end-in-mind person.)

So here comes the question(s). Do I go the digital or traditional Project Life route? I love things about both. Also, the decision is not a matter of software or knowing Photoshop. (I have Photoshop and use it regularly.)  So I am hoping this is where you all will come in helpful. :) Do any of you use Project Life and what route have you gone? What do you love about your method?  I'd love to hear anything you might have to offer. For those digital Project Lifers, where do you print? That is my big hang up with going digital, I've seen prices from $1.99 to $2.99 per page. Just to note, I probably won't be getting a core kit. I already have quite a number of digital kits that I would rather use digitally or print out on paper.

I know lots of questions! Thanks is advance!

p.s. - I've started a Project Life board on Pinterest to collect ideas. It really is getting me excited to begin!

Happy Tuesday,



  1. If you are interested in a simple somewhat inexpensive but still decent quality book, I like BLURB. For more professional looking books, I use Photobook Canada and they have sales on all the time! Good luck and have fun!

  2. LeAnne-I am looking at doing the same thing! Maybe we can encourage each other. I do the digital books all the time, but I think I would really enjoy the hands on. I love this basic way of scrapbooking and just started looking into it the other day. I saw some great ideas on others blogs. - :)


I love comments and questions!

If you have a question, email me so I have your contact information. My email link is on my left side bar.

Thanks for reading!