Monday, September 17, 2012

Naptime Crafting: Fall Wreath

I love fall.

LOVE it.

Maybe it is because I am from the East coast where falls are full of spectacular colors, the smell of burning leaves, raking leaves, REAL pumpkin patches, and every other fall event imaginable.

I've been dying to make a pretty fall wreath for my front door and today was the day.  I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to wreaths - never made one before - so it was a little interesting. I've been having lots of fun with my hot glue gun, wire, and scissors. Only a few burned far

Here is my progress so far....

Loving it so far. There is another spot in my house that needs a similar wreath..hmmm. I am liking this wreath making thing.

Now come on AZ get out of the 90s so I can pull out my long sleeved shirts and curl up with a cuddly quilt...and make a batch or two of pumpkin bars.

I love fall. 

Happy Monday,


1 comment:

  1. Hi- great seeing your posts- how is your family doing? Donna Thompson


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