Thursday, August 8, 2013

Once I Was a Bookworm

So did you know it was National Book Lover's Day? One of my favorite pastimes is reading. Growing up I remember reading and reading lots. At one point in my life I was always reading a book...or two...or three at a time. I also was against seeing a movie based on a book before reading it for myself. Sadly, I can't say that of myself at this point in time.

The other day I was in my sewing room and found myself straightening up my bookcase. I glanced at my well-loved books and so many memories came to mind. While I flipped through my tattered copy of Jane Eyre, I remembered my summer in England. Then I flipped through Ella Enchanted and I got giddy with anticipation at the thought of one day reading this beloved book with my girls. Then my stack of Harry Potter books. Oh fun memories there. The summer the Order of the Phoenix came out, I was at BYU and working like a crazy woman. Life just about stopped until I finished reading it. Then the book when to Hong Kong with one of my roommates. Then I came upon the first quilting book I purchased...

No surprise that it is Simplify by Camille Rosekelly. Yes, a quilting book isn't what most people think as a book to 'read'. However, when I got this I had a newborn and a two-year old. So needless to say my sit-down-and-enjoy-a-good-book-time was limited.  I loved looking at the pretty quilts that were so beautiful and that stayed done! (Other moms out there know what I mean.)  It took me awhile before I made a quilt from the book, because of my sweet newborn and two-year old, but it went everywhere with me and I had great plans for a few of the quilts.

After a few months, I began to sneak more quilting into my daily life and of course I went right to this book for my projects. To date, I've made three of the featured quilts, Little Man (made twice), Happy-Go-Lucky, and Coming Home, and I have plans to make Sugar Rush one day.

little man version 1
little man version 2
coming home
I truly can say this is the book that made me love quilting. (It also taught me a loads, like how to properly add a border!) So while this book may not be the next book everyone is reading and talking about, for me it holds a lot of memories. It makes me remember being mom to my little misses and loving every minute of it, but also anticipating some mommy-time to make and do something that stayed done.

So it may be no surprise to you what my new favorite book is.

Yep. Simply Retro. Again, no projects from it yet but I've got big plans. My current fav from the book is the cute house quilt, dwell.

I am thinking appliqueing the state abbreviations for the eight states we've lived in on some of the houses. Just for fun.

What is your current favorite book? Do you have a favorite sewing or quilting book that you just love?

In honor of National Book Lover's day, head over to the Moda Cutting Table and read about other favorite quilting books. Plus, you have a chance to win six NEW quilting books.

Happy Book Lover's Day!


  1. I have both of Camille's books too - really enjoy reading them. My favorite quilt book is Jinny Beyer's The Quilters Album of Patchwork Patterns. Thanks.

  2. Ha! I also talked about Camille's first book too. Such a lovely book.

    Thanks for sharing your story!

  3. So now I need to add one of these books to my shelf. So many books and so many quilts..... Better get sewing!

  4. Seriously, this blog hop thing is going to break my bank. I'm going to have to go out and get some of these books!

    I love the quilts you made from the first book. Your accomplishments in such a short amount of time are inspiring!

    I have lots of favorites, but I really like just about anything that Jo Morton does. I have most of her books, and have made quite a few of her quilts, or variations of them, and I can say quite honestly that the reason I was initially attracted to them was that they are small. That means I can actually complete them in my lifetime.

    Thanks for sharing your favorites!

  5. Hi, thanks for sharing your memories. I think that's a great idea to stitch on the state names, that will really personalise your quilt. All the best! (By the way, my eye was drawn to your blog when I saw your name...I know a LeNae Ballard!)

  6. Love that Retro book by Camille too.

  7. I have so many quilt books that I don't know that I can pick a favorite. I think it's usually the one I'm ogling at the moment. One of my favs is upstairs and is a book of pictures of West Virigina, where I was born and lived until I was 21. The quilts are presented by county. There are 2 from my county. My older brother is into family history and one of the ladies had a name that is a family name. He knew nothing about her except that she was a distant cousin. So, we each learned something. Unfortunately, it has no patterns for any of the quilts. I wish I were up to challenge, but I just am not or I just might it a try or at least some of them. Thanks for participating.


I love comments and questions!

If you have a question, email me so I have your contact information. My email link is on my left side bar.

Thanks for reading!