Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Banner Using the Cricut

The other day I made a 'Happy Birthday' banner for my sister as her birthday gift.  I love how it turned out! I used the Cricut to make the banner which of course made this easy as pie. I used two different cartridges to get the fonts, which I think made it look unique. Since it was so long, it was kind of hard to get a full length picture of the banner. (If only I had a nice camera with a wide angle lens...sigh.)

Post Edit: You can see a quick explanation of how I made a similar banner in this post. 


So there you go another finished project! I have some left over of the printed cardstock so I think I am going to make one that says 'celebrate' for us. I already have a bunting birthday banner that I made for our family.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Very cute! I like that I am not the only person left that still uses a cricut. :)

  2. This looks awesome! I would love for you to add it to my blog's linky party:

  3. I am new to everythign cricut -- do you use a cartridge to make the individual shapes that the letters are mounted on?

  4. Hi there,

    I am new to everything Cricut -- what do you use to cut the shapes that the letters are mounted on? Is that a separate cartridge?


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