Monday, June 6, 2011

Where I've Been

Been learning how to....

{free motion quilt} It is kinda scary at first, like merging for the first-time on the freeway when you are learning to drive scary.  But once you get the hang of it is not bad at all. :) Practiced ALOT before I started to free motion quilt and now have a stiff neck.  However, I am more than half way done with the pictured quilt.

2007 (maybe earlier?) called and wanted to know why I didn't have any vinyl lettering in my house. So I cut some out on my Cricut and organized my kitchen.

Yes, I know the Shilouette is the rage right now, but I love my Cricut.  (Apparently I need a trip to Sam's. I was going to wait and share pictures of this project till they were all nice and full...but though 'eh what the heck!' Clearly you can already see what is/suppose to be in all of them anyways.)

I finally found a frame that wasn't too expensive for this...

Thank you Ikea for selling reasonably priced larger frames.

Finished 42 of these...

For this...
Of course, made from Bliss. Two charm packs and about 5 yards left in my Bliss stash. Ruby can't come out soon enough.

Will be making freezer jam from all of these....

12 pounds of strawberries for 6.00 bucks. Score. Thank you Ranch Market. (I also got six pounds of apples for 2.00...score again.)

What have you been up too?

Happy Monday!


  1. I'm SO jealous! I have had that SAME quilt pattern for almost a year and I have TWO squares finished! Motivate me to get them done!! I've never made a quilt before and I keep putting it aside to make dresses for my girls or other short (instant gratification) projects...I need to get back to it.

  2. I've been up to...feeling sorry for my baby-less self. One of my friends who got married after me just had her baby this weekend, kicking off the Summer of My Friends Having Babies.

  3. Your FMQ-ing looks great! I tried with a quilt recently, but my machine just isn't made to handle it, so I have yet to be successful!
    I think you posted this previously, but where did you get the alphabet poster? It's so cute!


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