Monday, June 20, 2011

Strawberry Jam and Fourth of July

So how did it get to be the almost end of June already? Wow.

The last week or so I've been up to my elbows in strawberry jam and other strawberry goodies. I ran out of my 2 cup plastic jars I typically use and decided to get a smaller size to give as gifts to friends/family.  So I went to get those cute little size plastic Tuperwares, you know that you use for salad dressings in lunches, and Walmart had their version. Six for $ know the typical Walmart price...end it with a seven or a nine. I came home filled up the jars and I couldn't get over how cute they looked. Blue lids, yummy red jam...wait a minute. What a cute little Fourth of July present for neighbors/friends. The little size holds just about 1/2 cup of jam. So I just ripped up some festive fabric I had on hand and made some cute little tags. Talk about quick, easy, and inexpensive.

There are so may fun Fourth of July ideas out there in blogland right now. Some of my favorite are:
 I love Trifle...making this for the Fourth

Hope you are keeping cool this summer!!

Happy Monday,


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