Thursday, August 15, 2013

Welcome Back Halloween Countdowns

One of the first items I ever made and sold in my shop were my Halloween Countdown Calendars. They became  pretty popular, even with my very poor photography, and there was no way humanly possible I could keep up with making them to sell. Even though everyone doesn't sew, I decided to come out with a pattern a couple of years ago to help with the requests. It has helped, but I still get asked to make my Halloween Countdowns.

While at Joann's about a month ago, after recovering from the sight of Halloween fabric already, I found this uber cute Halloween print. The minute I saw it I thought 'Halloween Countdowns'. However, I didn't get any because I wasn't sure if I was up to making some this year. A week or so passed and I couldn't get that fabric and the idea of using it for Countdowns out of my head. So lucky for me, not too many people buy Halloween fabric in July, there was still a full bolt of it at Joann's when I returned a couple of weeks later. Here is a peek at the finished version. They will go on sale in my shop on Monday, I missed my good light to properly photograph it so I could be ready today.

So there you go! A return of a favorite. I may want to keep one of these for myself!

Thanks for reading!


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