Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I should have a cute red and pink heart infested post for you today. However, I don't. I love decorating and getting ready for Valentine's as much as the next girl but this year I got a little sidetracked.

Part of the sidetrackedness (word?) can be attributed to this fabric. (Dream On totally reminds me of all the vintage sheets people are getting their hands on.)

On Saturday I decided to start a project that I've been wanting to do for awhile; a new quilt. Anyone who knows me and quilts know that I am a slow quilter. I adore quilting, but it always takes me forever. (The only exception to this was the Just Growing Quilt I did for MBS.) So when I started this quilt on Saturday my expectations were pretty standard, maybe come August I'd be finished. Well as we speak type I am assembling the quilt top. Yep. Over the course of a lazy Saturday afternoon (and during naptime I may add) I was able to cut, piece, and assemble all the rows for this quilt. I am still in shock.  So instead of my sewing space being scattered with fabric waiting to be sewn into blocks, my ironing board is stacked with lovely quilt block rows ready to be pressed and sewn into a quilt top.

What a beautiful sight.

Incase you are wondering I am using the Piece of Cake pattern by Thimble Blossoms. It is truly a piece of cake.

So there you go a very non-traditional Valentine's Day post. I hope your Valentine's is wonderful!!

Thanks for reading,


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