Monday, February 21, 2011

Just Checking In...

I finished up my next project for the Moda Bakeshop and here is a tasty little preview for you all...

Surprise, surprise....lots of ruffles! Now I just have to schedule my cute 'models' so I can get some great final pictures.  After that, the 'recipe' should be on the blog in March sometime.

My quilt from the last post is now a quilt top! (I actually got the quilt top assembled that same day! Yay for me!) It is just waiting to be machine quilted, which I will be attempting myself.  I will let you know how that one goes. :)

Oh and it is official. I have caught a bug...the quilting but that is. I started this quilt mid-last week and I am loving it. (My stash of Bliss is slowly dwindling away...sniff sniff.)

Speaking of Bliss, check out Sew Much Ado today...does something look familiar?

So what are your projects as of late? Do share! Happy Monday everyone. :)

Thanks for reading,

1 comment:

  1. i want to catch that bug. one of my new years resolutions was to complete a quilt this year. just one, for the whole year, and i'm not sure i'll do it:)


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