Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Spring Thaw

Spring...I think....is finally on its way! We got a freak winter storm at the beginning of the week that left us with wet, heavy snow. Lovely. For the most part it is gone and melted...yay.

I have been asked specifically to update my blog. :) Sadly, I don't have much to blog about...I am not a very exciting person people! However, lots has been going on in my day-to-day life that has monopolized my energy and time as of late.

I hope to add some 'new additions' to the shop soon. My mind has been brewing away while my sewing machine has been taking a hard earned break. Hopefully some new owl totes will grace the shop. I also hope to write a pattern for the Owl Tote. I have finally perfected my own pattern and process for making them. They are really a fun and quick project.

Since you all were so helpful with my chocolate chip cookie dilemma, I am going to once again grill you for some ideas. (Thanks, I tried many of the suggestions and they helped tremendously.) Recently, I was asked to specifically create some 'church themed' quiet books. Any good ideas of ones that you would like to see?


  1. You could do a really cute one of the Prophets. Or a Book of Mormon quiet book.

  2. You could do one that each page was centered around a song that the kids sing in primary.

  3. one page could be on tithing. one coin goes in the tithing envelope.

    the chapel doors - that open and close.

    arms that fold.

    book of mormon with pages that turn.

    just a few thoughts...

    You are pretty creative. Can't wait to see what you come up with.


I love comments and questions!

If you have a question, email me so I have your contact information. My email link is on my left side bar.

Thanks for reading!


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