Monday, October 19, 2009

Tutorial: Felt Banner

Remember this from last year?

This is a fun way to make a banner for any occasion, this case Halloween.

I know we are getting close to Halloween, but I promise this is a quick project. This tutorial is to make a 'Boo' banner so you may need to adjust the materials if you are doing a different word. Also, I tried to make a banner earlier in the summer that had bigger circles and they were very floppy. I like the result of making slightly smaller circles, a little stiffer and they hang nicely.


1/4 yard of black felt, or three sheets (one per letter)
1/4 yard of fabric, or three 8" squares
scraps of black fabric, or three 7" x 4"
black thread
1 yard of three different kinds of ribbon
2 1/2 yards of 6" wide tulle (the kind on the spool) or 5/8" wide or wider ric rac (this is a great length for three letters, get more if you are doing another word)
1/2 yard of fusible webbing*
print off templates for circles and letters
lint roller - This is helpful to remove anything that collects on felt. I like to roll all my felt projects when I am done and when I pull them out of storage.

ironing felt - If you need to remove wrinkles from felt spritz the felt with water and use an iron set to wool. Anything higher may melt or scorch your felt.

*There are two kinds of webbing, the lite (sewable) or ultrahold (no sew) available from Heat n' Bond. If you do not want to reinforce the webbing with stitching use the ultrahold/no sew. If you plan on zig zaging a little, like mine, then you can use the lite/sewable.

to print right click on the image, save to your computer and print

1. Cut out three circles from felt. I used a salad plate measuring about 8". You do not want your circles much bigger than 8.5". I just placed the salad plate on my felt and cut around using a rotary cutter or you can use the template.

2. Also from felt, cut three 1.5" x 4"strips.

3. Trace three circles onto the paper side of the fusible webbing. I used a soup bowl measuring about 7" or you can use the template. Cut out circles leaving 1/4" around your tracing lines.

4. Trace the letters onto the paper side of the fusible webbing. You will notice the 'B' is flipped.

5. Adhere the circles and letters to your fabrics of choice following the manufacturer's directions for your brand of fusible webbing. Cool. Cut out following your tracing lines.

6. Taking one of the 1.5" x 4"strips and a felt circle, find the top point of the felt circle. I did this buy using my cutting mat and lining it up so it was mostly centered. Then fold the strip in half. Place one half behind and one half in front. Pin in place.

7. Do this for the other circles. To get the loop in the same spot for each circle, simply line new circle on top of a circle that has a loop pinned. Fold the strip in half and place using the one below as a guide.

8. Secure the loop in place with a zig zag stitch. Backstitch. Make sure you catch the loop on both sides of the circle. Repeat for all circles.

9. Center the fabric circles on the felt circles. Fuse into place USING THE WOOL setting on your iron. Anything warmer can melt or scorch your felt and ruin your iron.

10. If you want to you can quickly zig zag around the circles, centering your stitch so half hits the fabric and half hits the felt. I start at the bottom center of the circle go around and backstitch. Repeat for all circles.

11. Center letters onto the fabric circles and fuse in place. I just eyeballed the letters.

12. Again, you can quickly zig zag to reinforce the letters. I wanted to keep the edges of the letters clean and crisp. So I just zig zagged down the middle of the letters.

13. For each letter cut three 9" pieces of ribbon. I like to heat seal my ribbon ends with a lighter. Tie the ribbons in place on the felt hanging loops. Thread the letters onto your tulle or ric rac centering the letters.

Tada!!!! Super cute, super fun!

Favorite Tutorials: Ruffle & Flower Onesie

So my pile of white onesies were looking a little sad and need of some personality. (I also made an amazing sewing machine purchase...a ruffle foot.) After I learned how to use it, I was wanting to do a project involving ruffles.

I found this great tutorial on U-Create for a Ruffle Onesie. I don't have a serger, sigh, and didn't want raw edges for my ruffles. So I thought to use ribbon! So cute. I attached my ribbon following the tutorial directions except with my ruffling fun! You can ruffle your fabric/ribbon the regular way too. If you use ribbon I reccomend at least 1" wide, that is what I used. Anything less might make it not so fun...for you to sew. I also recommend heat sealing the ends of your ribbon with a lighter. Easier than turning the raw edges under and sewing.

Then the front was looking a little lonely and in need of personality too ... enter the fabric flower. I used Heather Bailey's fabric flower tutorial for inspiration, then did my own thing. (Her tutorial is use it! Especially if you will be gathering the traditional way.) I want to make a fabric flower to wear with cardigans this fall. Just attach a broach pin on the back and you're in business. They are so easy you could make one for just about every outfit...not really...but you get the idea. :) Below is just what I pictures...

I cut a 2" x 12" piece of fabric, folded it wrong sides together. I pressed the strip in half to make it easier to feed through my ruffler. (Again, you can just baste long stitches and pull to gather it up.) After ruffling I turned under the raw edges on the short ends and straight stitched them where the stitching wouldn't show. Then I made the fabric strip into a flower shape by turning it on itself. Then I sewed it into place just below my ruffling stitches. The leaves are two cuts of ribbon looped, and tacked to the back. I have a bunch of flower die cuts so I cut some different flower shapes out of felt and decided on the fun fushcia color. This helped cover up lots of my stitching lines. Then I sewed on a button, going through the felt and fabric flower, to secure everything in place. Then I tacked it onto the onesie. Easy peasy.

And so cute!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Night Owl Cookies

I saw these on the sidebar on Martha today. I couldn't not share them with you all.

They are called ' Night Owl Cookies', that is what I have been the last two nights, and you can get the recipe here.

Just so you know, I don't only bake around here. I do cook too. :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lots of Stockings!

I have been making stockings like crazy! It looks and feels like Christmas at our home! I was asked to do a custom order of stockings and I love how they turned out. I am working on making the directions and applique patterns available for all the stockings. The Christmas characters I designed for us but decided to make them available in the shop too. My family all had character stockings growing up and I can't imagine anything else for stockings. I love how the cuffs turned out this year!

Character Stockings - will be our stockings!!!




the cuff

A snowman one is designed and almost done!

The designs I made for a wonderful customer

candy cane

christmas tree



I am so excited for Christmas!

A Blanket for Baby

I finished a little soft flannel blankey for the baby today. I love how it turned out. I also whipped up some quick burp cloths.

Tutorial for the blanket anyone? I am in love with the flannel print. I found both prints at Joann's. Starting next week their flannel is $1.99/yd. So stock up if you make blankets/burp cloths for baby showers. Last year at Joann's Day After Thanksgiving it was $1.49/yd...they are advertising the $1.99 as the lowest price of the year, so I dunno if they will drop it lower for Black Friday.

I am hoping to have a pattern ready for my Countdown/Advent Calendars in the next month. I know Christmas is around the corner. I also got the craziest idea for a new animal tote. I drew it out last night and would love if it actually came together. That one may have to wait till next year.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Anyone Want to Bake with Me?

I love Love it.

I am currently in love with these...

I want to make some.

photo from

I love pumpkin recipes this time of year. Pumpkin recipes scream fall. Which I am missing so much right now. I feel like I am the only person who hasn't written a post about 'how much I love fall'.

Here is my favorite Pumpkin recipe. I will warn you. Don't make them unless you are prepared to make them at least 1/2 a dozen times between now and Christmas. They are divine.

Pumpkin Bars

2 cups flour

2 cups sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon nutmeg

½ teaspoon salt

1 cup oil

1 16 oz can pumpkin

4 eggs

Combine all ingredients, beat at low speed till moistened. Then beat on high until cake-like consistency. Bake at 350 in a 15 x 10 x 1 pan for 25 – 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Frost with cream cheese frosting.

And my Pumpkin good.

Pumpkin Bread

2 cups sugar

2½ cups flour

1 teaspoon cinnamon

2 teaspoon baking soda

1 cup oil

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 cups canned pumpkin

2 eggs

Combine dry ingredients. Add wet ingredients. Mix well. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes for mini loaves, or 15 - 20 minutes for muffins.

Makes 3 - 4 mini loaves or 2 pans of regular sized muffins.


Monday, October 12, 2009

A Winner!

Thanks for all the comments! I will try and check out everyone's blog. Lots of new names this giveaway ... so thanks everyone!!!

The winner is....

Who said:

So yay for Mandi!! I do know her and you have to check out her way cute Pirate ship she made for her boys. It is darling.

Thanks for all the feedback on patterns!

Happy Monday! I am working on a cute baby blanket and hope to have the tutorial up soon.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Thanks Martha!

About a month ago I was checking my site meter and noticed a lot of traffic via Martha Definitely a happy surprise and a total shock! I was curious though as to what was bringing the traffic. I clicked on the referring link and realized it was my Halloween Countdown Calendar. Last year I submitted a picture of my Halloween Countdown Calendar when they were asking for pictures of 'Halloween Crafts'. I of course was so flattered that it made their list and that people found it cute like I did. I was so excited I did took a screen shot and sent it to my mom and told my family of course!

Today I got Martha's Craft of the Day and it is a link to the list of Halloween Crafts from last year. So if you get Martha's Craft of the Day email, click on it and I am the second one on the list!!!! even be associated with Martha is so flattering and just amazing.

So welcome to Martha's readers! I hope you find an idea you like!

Remember the giveaway is still going on...just scroll down one post. :)

Happy Friday! Next week I have lots planned...hopefully two tutorials.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pattern Giveaway Time!!!

The Pirate Quiet Book Pattern is ready! Just because, lets do a giveaway...

So leave a comment by Sunday at Midnight EST and maybe you could be making one as a Christmas present this year! Oh an addition to the pattern is an option to make the pirate a boy or a girl. Because girls love pirates too!

In your comment share your name and your favorite holiday! The holiday season is almost here and I am soooo excited.

My name is LeAnne and my favorite holiday is definitely Christmas. I love everything about it! The music, colors, smells, food, traditions, kindness...everything.

Here are the pages:

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

More Sewing Tips!

As promised more tips! These are some of the things I do that help me be a more efficient sewer. Everyone learns something that helps them in their situations.
These are just my favorite:

1. Bobbins. I bought a case for my bobbins, this should have been listed as one of my favorite gadgets. It keeps all those bobbins from rolling all over the place. Anyways, besides the case, I always have at least 3 bobbins wound in black, beige, and white. This way, I don't run out of a basic color in the middle of a project which causes me to unthread my machine to wind the bobbin.

2. Two rotary cutters. Yes, I have two. One I use ONLY for fabric, the other I use for felt, interfacing, and thicker fabrics. My blades last much longer if I do this. Rotary blades notoriously can dull quickly. Especially when you use them to cut materials besides cotton. I hear you can buy a sharpener for rotary blades. The ladies at the fabric stores say they don't work well. But owners of sharpeners say they are amazing. A sharpener is on my wish list.

*Oh, an aside about blades on scissors/rotary cutters. If you cut a lot of fleece do not use your good scissors or rotary blades. A worker at Joann's told me that fleece DESTROYS their cutting scissors at the cutting counter. (This is because fleece is made from plastic.) They had a couple of pairs that they only used for fleece to keep the other scissors nice and sharp for fabric. (She was mad cause the new girl next to her was using the good scissors on fleece.)*

3. Chain Stitching. When you are sewing quilt blocks or lots of straight seams, sew the seam then continue sewing off the fabric. Then, put your next item under the presser foot and continue sewing.  This helps save on thread and makes sewing quilt  blocks or the like very quick. When you are all done,  just clip the connecting threads. I also do this when I top stitch handles for totes and anything else that is just a quick straight or slightly curved seam.

A picture just incase you are a visual learner!

The promised pattern is on the way. Hopefully on Friday... I was hoping to post it today. Yesterday we had major power problems which of course prevented anything productive from getting done.

Happy it Wednesday already?

Monday, October 5, 2009

New Halloween Totes!

I thought I was done with Halloween items, but I guess not! I love Halloween colors; orange, black, purple, a touch of green...I love them all! I was going through my fabric stash and found loads of Halloween scrap fabric from Countdown calendars and totes. I always have a hard time thinking of ways to use up those scraps and I don't want them to go to waste. So after some playing with placement and some quick cutting and seams...these cute bags came about.

I just imagine them all full of treats on cute! They are also up in the shop.

Happy October!

Oh and thanks for the input on the patterns...the poll is still up and awaiting your input!

Friday, October 2, 2009

New Pattern Poll

I have a new Quiet Book Pattern that will be available next week for purchase...probably as a giveaway too. :) With that being said, I want to see what interest, if any, there is for other patterns. If you would like, please click through and take the poll in the sidebar.

Or if you have an idea that is not listed, put it in the comments.

Thanks everyone!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sewing Tips: Just for Beginners

Well. I have my second 'Sewing Tips' post waiting to be published, but I have to add a couple of quick pictures. However, today I was doing some googling for making baby clothes and in the process found some great info I found helpful when I was a beginner.

One of my favorite sewing blogs is SewMamaSew. (I think they recently updated the look/organization of their blog and I am sooo happy. I couldn't find things very easily before.) I am sure you all know about it, but if you don't now you do. They have some awesome posts on so many different sewing topics. I thought I would share some here that I found helpful when I was first diving into the world of sewing. (My mom taught me when I was little, but even she says I know more than her now, so much of what I am able to do now is self-taught.)

General Sewing Tips
Sewing Machine Buying Guide - Great resource if you are looking to buy a sewing machine.

Sewing Machine Feet Guide - If you know you want to get some new feet for your machine, this is a great guide to give you the run down. Personally right now, I am eyeing a ruffler and walking foot.

Button Holes - Check out your sewing machine's instructions too. Usually all newer machines comes with a button hole foot standard.

Putting in a Zipper - Nuf said.

Interfacing Guide - AHHHH! When I found this it was truly a 'Eureka!' moment. I was always so confused when I would go to the fabric store and try and figure out what interfacing I needed. Plus, it is written by the amazingly talented Amy Butler.

Sewing Skills
Altering a Pant Pattern You Have to Make Almost Any Type of Pant - This is almost a must if you don't want to buy a pattern for capris, wide leg, cropped, etc. Great for kids if you have those pants for them 'you love' but they out grow them.

Machine Applique - I love to applique! This is an awesome post that includes easy templates to help you get started. She has a second post that follows up with some more 'advanced' tips.

Finishing Seams
- I wish I had a serger! If you are like me and don't this post gives awesome info on how to finish seams without a serger. This is almost a must for kids clothes, otherwise they get all itchy. Make It and Love It also has a great post on this topic.


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