Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Merry Christmas To All...

This has been a wonderful Christmas season for me and I cannot wait until next week's festivities.  I've decided to take a blog hiatus until January. I am looking forward to spending time with family and enjoying all the wonderful traditions of Christmas.

I just wanted to leave you with a sweet reminder of the true reason for the season of Christmas. 

Merry Christmas To All...see you in January!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sewing Space: Organizing Ribbons and Such

I have a wish.

My wish is that one day I will have a sewing room. In the past and currently, my sewing space has been the kitchen table or a corner in a room wherever we have space. When I look at sewing studios/rooms like these a girl can only dream.

Nevertheless, just because I don't have the above doesn't mean I can't love the little space I call my own and I do. However, the biggest challenge with having an involved hobby like sewing is storing all the 'stuff'.

For the longest time my ribbons and the like where kept on the original spools in a drawer. What a nightmare. Ribbon was always slipping off and becoming a tangled mess.  A while back I saw this idea and knew it was the solution for me. (You can also see the same idea here.)

Now my ribbons and trim happily reside wrapped on clothespins inside this great glass jar.

A couple of things.  I bought my clothespins or Doll Pins at Michael's. (Some mentioned they were able to find some Dollar Tree. I could never find any at mine.) Also, I purchased my glass jar at Walmart for right around $8.00. Ten bucks for ribbon organization bliss. Priceless.

The other day I was going through my mess of embroidery floss driving myself crazy.  Take one look at my floss organization compared to my ribbon:

If you could choose to be the floss or the ribbon which one would you be? Ya...I'd be the ribbon too.

I knew I needed a quick solution. I recently saw this post over at homemade by jill and wished my floss was organized in such a way. But right now I don't have time to wind my floss. I was at Hobby Lobby the other day when I saw all their glassware 50% off. I had a vision of sorts.  I made a  purchase, came home, and dumped out my mess of floss.

Nice eh? Don't you love the paper in there too?

Next, I placed the floss in the jar with the colors I use most on the top.  Is it the most organized in the most efficient way? No, but it works for now. Much better than the mangled zippie bag.

Now my floss can hold it's own next to my ribbon.

Yep. Looks much better.

Happy Tuesday!


Friday, December 10, 2010

Need Some Input: Girl's Initials

Edit: Thanks everyone! Wow lots of Ms, Ks, and Es out there. I've got a great sampling now.  I am going close the comments on this post.

Thanks again!

Hey blog readers. In order to streamline my shop production a little, I need some quick input. The Elle tote has been a popular item in the last few weeks. (Thanks Leash for asking me to make it in the first place!) Usually I have all the pieces for this bag cut so when I get an order I just have to sew. Makes life a tad easier. However, I would love to have a stash of precut letters already to go. Naturally, I don't want every single letter of the alphabet.

So my favor? If you have a little girl could you please leave her initial in the comments? (I don't need full names.) I figure I can get a sampling of the most common initials and have a stash of those on hand. This is not meant to exclude those little girls whose name doesn't begin with a common letter. This is just to help me stay sane. :)


Tutorial: Simple Table Runners

Can you believe Christmas is two weeks from tomorrow? I don't say that to stress you out, but simply because I can't believe it is already THAT close. Today I am bringing you a quick and simple tutorial...

Here is a quick little tutorial for some Simple & Quick Table Runners. There are a couple of things I love about these runners:
  • This is a total 'naptime' project or can be done in no time at all.
  • Involves NO pinning! Yay! 
  • Requires little fabric so you can use that last 1/2 of a yard that you just have laying around.  
  • Brings to life the saying "a fast project is a fun project"
  • Make a couple and it makes a great gift!
Sold? Great. Here we go.

1/2 yard each of two different cotton fabrics, prewashed and pressed
(The fabrics don't necessarily have to coordinate since you will only see one side at a time.)
 matching thread
Yep. Two materials sweet. Oh and a screaming hot iron is a must for this project.

WOF = Width of Fabric
RST = Right Sides Together

1. Cut your fabrics to your desired width x WOF.  I cut mine to 15" wide. You can make it any width you want.

2. Place your fabrics RST matching the selvedges and edges. (The selvedges may only line up on one end. The other end may be short depending on the widths of your fabrics.) Press the two fabrics with a hot iron. By doing this the fabrics temporarily 'stick' together and therefore no pinning!

3. With fabrics still RST, head back over to your cutting mat and cut off the fabrics to the desired length. I have little hands at my house so I didn't want my runner dangling over the edge for little hands to pull off. I cut my length to 37".  (Since your fabrics are RST together, now your fabrics will be perfectly lined up.)

4. Now sew both fabrics together using a 1/2" seam allowance. I stared on one of the long sides, continued all the way around and left an opening. Your opening doesn't have to be huge, just enough to fit your little hand.

5. Head back over to the iron. Press along all seams, this helps make the seams nice and crisp. Clip the corners.

6.  Lets talk about that opening right quick. Press the opening back as shown in the second picture. Flip the runner over and do the same to the other side as shown in the third picture.

 7. Turn the runner right side out and poke the corners. A poking device such as a bone folder is great.

8. The opening should already be nicely pressed inside! When you topstitch the opening will be invisible. Now press around the rest of the runner at the seams. Press so that you can't see any fabric from the other side. Flip over the runner and make sure you can't see the other fabric from that side either.

9. Now start sewing close to one of the ends using about a 1/4" seam allowance. Sew all the way around the runner. Give it a final good press and be amazed!

10.  Tie it up with a ribbon and a gift tag. Done and done.

Fabrics shown:
left: both fabrics from Joann's
right: holly from Joann's & Red Snowflake from Candyland Christmas by Moda (My absolutely favorite Christmas print ever. I bought a bolt of this fabric and it is almost gone.) 

Happy Sewing!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Simple Christmas Gifts & Projects

Catch the key word in that title? Simple. The more people I talk to the more I find people having a desire to make Christmas simple so they can focus on the true meaning of the season.  Over the last couple of days I've seen some great simple gifts and projects that I wanted to share with you all. Then hopefully later today or tomorrow I will have a great tutorial posted for you all. And you guessed it. It is SIMPLE.

So here we go.

#1 Felt Initial Ornaments from made

There isn't anything Dana does that I don't love. I wish I had her clothing skills. Seriously. I digress.. I  love these ornaments  and am planning on making a set for my family and some people on my list. Perfect to do while relaxing with the family and watching a Christmas movie. My favorite thing about this project...hand-sewing. I know. Crazy...but I love hand-sewing. (Plus I have all the materials on hand to make a cute little set. Yay!)

#2 Girly Print from Lilly and Thistle

When I saw this print I fell immediately in love with it. (Plus it is free!!!) I love the simplicity of the print and adore the quote. The wonderful thing about this print is that it can be used as a gift for any occasion. Baby shower, birthday, baptism.... the list could go on. Now only if I could find cute cupcake liners she used for the skirt. :)

#3 Quick Fabric/Felt Flowers from Tater Tots and Jello

Fabric Flowers. Enough said. Cute, quick, and a glue gun. My kind of quick project. A set of three of these flowers would make a perfect teen gift!

#4 Candy Cane Kiss Cookies from Our Best Bites

For the bakers in the room, you've got to try these beauties. WOWZERS! They are delish and a tad rich. So make sure you've got milk handy. Bake these babies up toss them in a cute container. Done.

#5 Reindeer Noses from Crafting Chicks

I love these ladies. They have amazing ideas. The first idea on this list is the most simple of the ones they mentioned. (Reindeer Noses) Maybe I love this idea because I LOVE Peanut M&Ms. This could be even more simple by just sticking the tag on a whole bag of Peanut M&Ms. Or maybe because that is the way I'd love to receive this. ;)

#6 Car Cozy from Homemade by Jill

I had to stick a boy idea on here! I made a couple of these last year and they were a hit...and very simple to make.  If you've made a crayon roll before it is the same concept, the pockets are just wider! (Note: I didn't add numbers on my cozy.)

So there you go! Some simple hand-made gifts. Now if you are going to attempt all of these, that might defeat the purpose of being 'simple' but I am just sayin'...

See ya in a bit...with a SIMPLE tutorial


Monday, December 6, 2010


I am always astonished at the amazing things people find thrifting. My attempts at thrifting usually result in no purchases and just staring at piles of tossed away knickknacks that I only can see as dust collectors and clutter on my shelves. I know thrifiting involves vision and a degree of patience.

I have always been a tad impatient so maybe that is my problem.

Since my attempts have been in vain, I have been looking around Etsy for inspiration. I am doing this in the hopes that when I see a pile of what seems to be nothing but junk, I will just dive in with the hope of finding something truly amazing.  I realize that all of these items have been painted/cleaned after the fact and did not look like this when they were found.

So without further adieu let me indulge you in some amazing finds.

I am kicking myself that I just didn't snag these amazing sconces.  I bet she is an amazing thrifter and got both sconces for a lot less. (But I should have told myself $22 is nothing for these beauties.)

Swoon! Can I just say for the bajillionith time how much I am loving aqua right now?
Still kicking myself.

Then there is this frame/mirror.
 Not in love with it nearly like the aqua sconces, but a close second.

Then, don't even get me started on all the amazing frames/mirrors people find! I have been on the prowl for months trying to find an awesome frame to spray paint and give new life.

credit here

loving the red
credit here

Yes. I am a little green with envy today.
credit here

Love this one
credit here

Sigh. Maybe one day I will find the ultimate thriting find. Until then I will just look at other people's finds as inspiration. Some people out there really have the vision of taking something old and making it new and truly beautiful.
To all those amazing thrifters out rock.


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