Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blushing Big Time

The other day, I received a little surprise and note in the mail from Lissa over at Moda. It was a copy of a  new publication by BH&G called Perfect for Precuts. (Random tid bit...For some reason I had Harry Potter on the brain and thought 'Perfect for Prefects'... again... random.)

I though 'Oh that was nice that Lissa sent me a copy!' After flipping through and getting excited about some of the projects, I flipped over to the back of the magazine. And what did my eyes behold?!! My name and quilt immortalized in print. (I have never been in a magazine before!) I about died!

Edit: You can find the full tutorial for the pictured quilt on or click here to go directly to the tutorial. You can find all the recipes I've done for Moda by clicking here.

Personal Note: Thanks Lissa for capitalizing my A, you don't know how many times people have 'corrected'  my name because they thought I made a typo or thought LeAnne should be spelled another way. (Which of course it can...but you know what I mean.) Let's not even mention that every year in HS I had my name engraved on my year book and each year it was spelled differently.  Since of course, I know how to spell my own name, I wrote 'LeAnne' on the form and I would get spellings like Leann, Leeann, Le ann, or Lee anne. (Each year it was different.) I mentioned the whole saga of my name...sorry for the tangent. :)

It really looks like a great publication so if you want more info check out this post over at the Cutting Table.

So there you go, thanks for letting me share a little fun moment for me with you all. :)

Happy Day to you all,


Sunkissed Aprons

Head over to MBS today to check out my latest tutorial! I made a pair of cute ruffled aprons out of Sweetwater's new line Sunkissed. I loved how they turned out the aprons are just adorable.

{Thanks to my beautiful nieces for modeling for me!}

My favorite apron is the yellow and gray, my new favorite color combo. :)

Happy Wednesday,


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Has It Really Been Three Weeks?

Yikes! That was an unplanned blog break. But my, was it refreshing. I wish I was reporting back with oodles of projects, a couple new tutorials, patterns, or something to that affect. Sorry, my dice. Even more unplanned was the fact that I only touched my machine once in the last three weeks. Ya. Life definitely has been in the trump position, so all I can say is I've been caught up in life as we all know it to be.

But I do have a few fun things to share that I need some input on:

1. I've inherited something that I've been longing to have.

I have loved this little accessory of my mom's since I was a kid. It was always in our kitchen and it held all those common household items; rubberbands, twisty-ties, paper get the idea.  I am ready to breathe some new life into it. I am thinking a a good sanding and a new paint color, but not sure which color. Any suggestions?  At first I was thinking new knobs, but now I am loving the current ones.

2. Another inheritance from my mom.

This beautiful handmade infant dress.  I of course want to keep this; and the three other I inherited. However, I don't want to stick them in a drawer or trunk. The only thought that has come to me is to display them in a shadow box. (Keeping the shadow box out of direct sunlight of course.) Any other suggestions?

So there. A very lackluster post for being MIA from the blogosphere for the past three week. Have I missed anything? I fully intend on being more productive in my shop and blog in the coming weeks. Lots of ideas popped into my head over the last three weeks...we shall see which ones actually come to be.

Thanks for reading, and hanging around... :)



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