- print pattern (right click, save as, should save in the correct size, print!)
- felt for back of wings
- felt for body
- fabric for front of wings
- various ribbons and trims
- embroidery floss - I used black and red
- thread to match wings
- fiberfill
- two small bells (will be sewn inside wings)

2. Fold ribbon and trims in half. Pin raw edges of trims to the curves of both FABRIC wings, on the right side, making sure the looped ends face the inside of the wing. (See picture)

3. Place a FELT wing on top of the of the FABRIC wing, pin . The felt wing should be facing the side with the ribbons/trims. Your trims will be in the middle.

4. Sew around the wing using 1/2" seam allowance. Back stitch at beginning and end. Leave a spot for turning on the straight edge. Trim curves and points with pinking shears. Do not trim the opening, you will need to turn that to opening to sew shut.

5. Turn wing right side out. Press if needed to get shape right. Slip a bell inside the opening. Turn the raw edges from the opening in and pin and place. Top stitch around the entire wing, making sure to catch the opening. Repeat steps 3 - 5 for other wing.

6. Place both wings on top of ONE felt body. Pin in desired positions. Hand sew in place with embroidery floss using two x's near the top of both wings. You want the x's to be about 1/2" from the edge of the body. (See second picture below to illustrate.) This will leave you enough room to blanket stitch the two bodies together.

7. Connect the two wings together at the top where both wings meet by sewing a series of quick stitches. Use your embroidery floss. (See photo below.)

8. Place the second body on top of the first body. Pin the two bodies together, being careful not to catch the wings.

9. Blanket stitch the two bodies together using six strands of embroidery floss. Before you close up both pieces, lightly stuff the lady bug with polyester fiberfill. I am not an embroidery stitch pro at all. However, here is a great video of how to do the blanket stitch if you need help.

Have fun! Make a couple in different colors!
So cute!!! I am going to have to make this.
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely adorable! I'm definitely bookmarking it for future use. Thanks for the tute!!
ReplyDeleteLove this...I don't even know who I'm making this for, but I'm making it!
ReplyDeleteMaking this for a baby gift for next week! Her theme is Ladybugs, so I'm also looking for cute gift wrap ideas. :) Thanks for the tutorial!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing. I am in the process of making this. I have so far cut red polka fabric for the top wings however I am concerned about the suitability of felt for a baby when the baby sucks the toy so will look for alternative fabrics....